
Program at a Glance

49 Total Credits

1 Course Per Term
5 Week Terms

On Campus and Online

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You enjoy making a difference in the lives of your patients, families, and colleagues and want to continue your education with a master’s in nursing. With the healthcare climate changing at lightning speed, 拥有领导高绩效组织或护理教育十大正规平台的技能和知识是至关重要的. Nurses are leading the way toward an improved health care system in the U.S. by advancing degrees and practicing at the full extent of their education. 成为这些护士中的一员!

十大正规网堵平台的护理理学硕士(MSN)课程包括两个不同的专业:护理教育和家庭护理从业者. 该浓度由全国护理联盟的认证护士教育(CNE)能力和美国护士执业协会(AANP)的核心和特定人群的能力指导.


如果你喜欢和病人一起工作,但想在他们的治疗中发挥更大的作用, becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner may be just the right move. 十大正规网堵平台的MSN -家庭护士执业计划可以为你治疗所有年龄段的病人做好准备, 诊断疾病, prescribing drugs, 订购诊断测试, 进行身体检查. 高级护理实践提供了您一直喜欢的与患者密切接触的机会.

十大正规网堵平台护理学院完全在线提供该课程,以适应您繁忙的日程. 家庭执业护士(FNP)专业的毕业生将能够在门诊提供初级护理和/或专业护理, 以及长期护理环境.  Moreover, 通过完成这个十大正规平台, 您将有资格参加由美国护士执业医师学会(AANP)或美国护士资格认证中心(ANCC)提供的家庭护士执业(FNP)委员会认证考试。. 一经委员会认证, you will be eligible for positions in a variety of heath environments, such as:

  • Provider Offices
  • 公共卫生部门
  • Urgent Care
  • 工业环境/职业健康

To be licensed as a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), it is necessary to pass the AANP or ANCC certification exam.  作为家庭护士执业者,雇主可能需要执照.

What’s more, 通过全年上课, 你可以在短短22个月内完成MSN -家庭护士执业计划.  


MSN -护理教育

Have you been told you are a great teacher, 你知道怎么和学生交流, or you are a terrific preceptor for nursing students? 你是否正在寻找一份能够提升专业水平,并在护理学生中有所作为的职业? If so, the MSN degree in Nursing Education is a perfect fit for you!

在护士教育专业, you apply the theoretical foundations of education, 医疗政策和政治, statistics, 医疗技术, 课程规划及开发, 以及在线或混合课堂和实习环境中的教学策略. You will use current technologies such as iPads, apps, Wikis, and blogs to learn and share your knowledge. Learn more about MSN -护理教育 here.

无论你是一个床边护士寻求职业发展或护理领导寻求先进的知识和技能, the Master’s in Nursing Program at 十大正规平台 can help propel your career forward. 由于医学研究所关于护理未来的报告(2010年)*等力量,护理正朝着高等教育的方向发展, hospitals striving to be centers of excellence, and consumers asking for higher standards and better outcomes. 护士不再通过行列和渴望改变世界护理没有受过教育的知识, skills, 以及领导变革所需的态度. Nursing, 和其他行业一样, 现在已经变成了数据驱动,结果是衡量的,改进的战略计划是写的, implemented, and evaluated. 十大正规网堵平台的护理硕士课程将为你做好准备.

MSN -护理教育课程表

*医学研究所(2010年). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. Available at: http://www.nationalacademies.org/hmd/Reports/2010/The-Future-of-Nursing-Leading-Change-Advancing-Health.aspx


CCNE Accredited

The master’s degree program in nursing at 十大正规平台 University Virginia Beach, 弗吉尼亚校区是由大学护理教育委员会( http://www.ccneaccreditation.org ).

家庭执业护士(MSN) 可能的职业发展方向



  • Patient Education
  • 临床护理教育工作者
  • 专业实践总监
  • 员工发展总监
  • Nursing Faculty at the practical, associate or bachelor degree levels

MSN, Concentration in Family Nurse Practitioner


  • Provider Offices
  • 公共卫生部门
  • Urgent Care
  • 工业环境/职业健康


Upon successful completion of this program, the graduate are expected to:

  • 将循证护理实践与相关科学相结合,不断提高个人护理水平, families, and communities. 
  • Perform as a member, educator, 作为跨专业团队的一部分,运用适当的理论,通过制定和实施患者安全措施和质量改进计划,领导护理工作, 沟通技巧, 有效的群体动力学.
  • 应用系统的质量管理模式,满足患者的安全目标和倡议,并改善护理和患者的结果
  • Act as a change agent by substantiating and applying research outcomes in practice and education settings to resolve nursing practice problems; and translate and disseminate resulting nursing knowledge
  • 合乎道德地利用当前技术与跨学科团队进行沟通, improve and coordinate care across the continuum, strengthen the delivery and outcomes of nursing education, 领导与先进实践, 分析医疗数据.
  • 倡导政策,利用健康的广泛决定因素(社会心理)改善公众健康和护理专业, economic, 以及文化因素), and the legal and ethical foundations of nursing.
  • Implement current standards of practice and healthcare policies to design, deliver, manage and evaluate culturally appropriate, evidence-based education and nursing care for select populations.
  • 分析研究生护理的各种角色,并在不断变化的教育或医疗环境中综合护理的个人哲学.
  • Demonstrate role development by performing in the role of nurse educator, 通过整合与实践领域相关的概念来展示专业知识的领导者或高级从业者, 循证实践, 以及适当的能力.

家庭执业护士(MSN) Curriculum


  1. Complete a personal interview with admissions.
  2. Complete a graduate application for admission and enrollment agreement.
  3. 获得护理教育认证委员会(ACEN)或大学护理教育委员会(CCNE)认可的课程和高等教育认证委员会(CHEA)认可的学术机构的护理学士学位。.
  4. 本科课程. Applicants who do not have previous undergraduate coursework in statistics, health assessment, 或研究可能需要完成一个或多个先决条件的课程之前接受的研究生课程.
  5. Undergraduate cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale).
  6. Current resume and unencumbered RN license. 每位申请人提交一份当前的简历,表明在过去三年中该领域的当前护理工作经验.



十大正规平台要求 (Orlando/Lake Mary FL)

获得玛丽湖大学护理教育专业的护理学硕士学位, Florida campus, students must earn 54 quarter credit hours and 162 hours of practicum. The program requires a minimum of 4 quarters or 12 months of instruction.


Visit the 十大正规平台 University Catalog for the most current program information.

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